Flower Reading
Flower Reading is something better experienced than explained
The practice of Flower Reading is a wonderful way to experience the energetic connections shared by all human beings, and I’ve been gifted with the ability to connect to this energy within a flower. Participants choose their own blossom and through it’s shape, color, smell and it’s natural habitat, I am able to gain profound insight into the life of the person.
The Flower reveals what is hidden inside, but only thàt what is necessary and constructive to be revealed at the right moment in time. All that information we use as a tool to get more insight, to clear certain (old) patterns and habits. It also enables you to deal in a better way with the obstacles and hurdles in your life. You will become more aware of yourself.
Together, we will explore your path and begin to help heal any spiritual imbalances within you. The entire experience is very nurturing and most often culminates in a sort of mental “awakening”.
Let’s do it together!
Blossom like a Flower
“Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you.”
– Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
What clients say
Menora – Buenos Aires – Flower Reading
“I am Menoca, an Argentine mother of two children. I had my first flower reading experience in Buenos Aires with Imke. My eldest daughter, Coco of 4 years old was amazed about flower reading as me!
What to tell about this unique experience I had. Impressive, nice, wonderful, surprising, interesting, helpful… Meeting Imke was so nice. She gave me an extraordinary point of view of myself. An amazing experience that contacted me with nature and with myself. How flowers transmit, and how she brings this to us is difficult to express, but for sure, real. I was surprised for the first minutes, and amazed listening and learning during the whole time. his power Imke has is really nice. But even more nice is that she is open to share this with everybody.”
Ingeborg – Flowers With a Message
” With a bouquet and a personal message I already surprised different people several times.
Most people are touched by it and feel moved how Imke – every time – with her bouquet and message knows how to go directly to the inner core of the person. And translates the message in a very positive way.”
Hussein – Flower Reading
“To be in a humble and warm environment while digging up and sharing the contents of your soul is a truly enticing experience. Imke does an effective job at uncovering what lies in store deep in the subconcious through the deceitfully revealing process of flower reading. The effects of this session are longwithstanding, as I do find myself reverting to the grounding and reflective techniques she tought me during times of confusion. An incredibly cathartic experience!”
Karin H. – Flower Reading
A flower reading with Imke is special gift. Walking in the garden that Imke has lovingly created and cared for is like stepping into another world. Imke is a sensitive, sincere, wise and caring person. This came through very clearly during the reading. The way Imke made the connection between the flower I had chosen and my inner world was unexpected. She lovingly manage to expose the deeply embedded emontional pain in my life. She lays out ways to bring the pain to the light and embrace it. It’s a magical experience and hopefully I’ll come back.
Eveline – Flowers With a Message
“De vriendin van mijn vader werd 75 jaar! Een mijlpaal die gevierd mocht worden! Maar bij een feest hoort een cadeau! Na vele overwegingen… van theekopjes tot reisjes…. herinnerde ik me Imke, die eens genoemd had dat zij voor speciale occasions soms ook opdrachten kreeg! Mijn kwartje viel en ik heb haar gecontacteerd. Haar directe enthousiaste reactie overtuigde mij! Het levenspad van de jarige is een spirituele zoektocht en dit heeft Imke zowel in de bloemen als in de ‘message’ zo mooi vertaald, dat had niemand op een andere manier zo mooi kunnen verwoorden! Zo mooi en persoonlijk.”
In the middle of the field
I am standing
I am alone
In contact with myself
Out of nothing
My eye catches a flower
Standing alone
In the field
Its a beautifull flower
With an energy of
Grace nobility fragility
Serene, it stands
Allowing whatever comes to it
Receiving what is given
To it
Embracing that what is
presented to it
Grown and existed from the
Divine power
Fed by it
loved by it
Open to it
Nurtured by it
Transparent of itself
universal energy can flow freely
Through it
In it
with it
I closely look at the flower
Make contact with it
I observe the form
The petals
the crown
the stem
It’s heart
I see it’s heart
It resonates to my heart
It speaks to my heart
My heart responses
With openess and honesty
No fear experienced
Connected to the source
In that One moment of Bliss
United to the greater force
Universal energy
That surrounds us all
Feeds us all
where all potential exists
Possibilities to grow
This is the place to what flowers connect
I connect to the flower
The flower shows me
The divine power
The love
I carry and have inside
Focused on the light
Knowing that my future
has no obstacles
Only challenges
To grow out
to my full potential
I blossom like I am supposed to blossom
-by Imke-
©Imke den Hartog